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englisch (1497)
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österreichisch (1227)
variabel (1052)
schweizerisch (973)
griechisch (749)
abwertend (721)
Jargon (682)
regional (623)
veraltend (579)
Abkürzung (573)
französisch (553)
Spruch (439)
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Wörter mit Tag 'englisch'
- (animated) cartoon
- (ausländische / ethnische) Community
- (das Prinzip unserer Einarbeitung ist) learning by doing
- (das) Retrieval
- (der) Download
- (die) Basics
- (die) Happy Few
- (ein) Batch
- (ein) Best-of
- (ein) Dash
- (ein) Deal
- (ein) Die-Hard
- (ein) Die-Hard (sein)
- (ein) Gamechanger (sein)
- (ein) Must
- (ein) Must-have
- (ein) No-Go (sein)
- (ein) Nobody
- (ein) Overkill an
- (ein) Special
- (es gibt noch) kein Go
- (es gibt) (wieder) business as usual
- (es gibt) Standing Ovations
- (großer) Player
- (jemanden) daten
- (jemanden) daten
- (jemanden) stalken
- (only) time will tell
- (System) Tray
- (technischer) Support
- (wichtiger) Player
- (wieder) canceln
- ... light (nachgestellt)
- ...freak
- ...like
- ...scout
- A-Shirt
- Aborigine
- Absolute Beginner
- Abstract
- Acetic Acid
- Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
- Add-on
- Addon
- Aerator
- African Swine Fever
- Agreement
- Aimpoint
- Air Force One
- Airfryer
- Airglow
- Airlift
- Airport
- Airspeed Indicator
- all-inclusive
- all-terrain vehicle
- All-Terrain-Vehicle
- Allen key
- Ambassador Steak
- American Dream
- American Indians
- Anchor Handling Tug
- Ankh
- Anything goes.
- Apartment
- Apartment
- App
- Appeasement
- Appetizer
- Approach
- Arithmetic Logic Unit
- Array
- asap
- Ascot
- Ascotkrawatte
- Assessment
- Attachment
- Audioguide
- Audit
- auditieren
- AvGas
- Aviation Gasoline
- Babe
- Baby
- Baby
- Babytalk (Baby Talk)
- Bachelorparty
- Backboard
- Backpacker
- Backquote
- Backslash
- Backtic
- baggy (Modestil)
- Balanced Salt Solution
- Ballyhoo
- bam, bam, bam
- bank run
- Barbecue
- Barcode
- Barplot
- Basement
- Basher (Internet)
- Basketweave
- Bazooka
- BD
- Beauty
- Beauty
- Beauty-Queen
- Bed and Breakfast
- Beefsteak
- Best Ager
- Best Boy (Filmset)
- Best Case
- Bestseller
- Big Blue
- Big Data
- Bike
- bill of material
- bill of materials
- Billboard
- Binge-Drinking
- Bitch
- Bitch
- Bivvy
- Black Fungus
- Black Kingfish
- Black Salmon
- Black-out
- Blacklist
- Blackout
- Blackout
- Blame Game
- Blinker(s)
- Blockbuster
- Blockbuster
- Blog
- Blogger
- Blowjob (beim Mann)
- Blu-ray
- Blu-ray Disc
- Blue Chip
- Blue Jet
- Bluechip
- Board
- Boat-People
- Boater
- Boatpeople
- Bobcat
- Bobcat (Marke)
- Bodyguard
- Bond
- Boneless Club Steak
- Boot
- bottom-up
- Bouncer
- Bouncer
- Box
- Box-Whisker-Plot
- Boxplot
- Boy
- Boyfriend
- Brain-Drain
- Brand
- Brass Band
- Breadboard
- Break-even-Point
- Breeches
- Briefing
- British Empire
- Brownfield
- btw
- Bubble
- Bucket List
- Buddy
- Bug
- Bugle
- Bullet Ant
- Bullshit
- Bully
- Bun
- Bunker C
- Burner
- Business
- business as usual
- Business Identifier Code
- Butler
- Button
- Buzzword
- by the way
- bye
- bye-bye
- Call
- Callboy
- Callgirl
- camel Case
- camelCase
- Camp
- Camping
- Cancel Culture
- canceln
- canceln
- canceln
- canceln (Abo, Vertrag)
- Candlenut
- Caps Lock
- Capstan
- Cargo
- Carport
- Case
- Cash
- cash
- Cashcow
- Cashcow
- Cashflow
- Casting
- casual
- Catcalling
- CD
- CE
- Central Processing Unit
- Challenge
- Challenge
- Channelwing
- character set
- charset
- Checkpoint
- Chinese prickly ash
- Choke
- Chomolungma
- Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
- Cider
- Cinemascope
- Circular Economy
- City of London
- Claim (werbesprachlich)
- Claymation
- Clean Meat
- Cleverness
- Cliffhanger
- Closed Shop
- Cloud
- Cloud-Computing
- Cloudcomputing
- Clown
- Clown
- Clown
- Club
- Cocooning
- Code Red
- Coding
- Cofferdam
- Cold open (Fernsehserie)
- Cold shoe
- cold turkey
- College
- Colloquial Singapore English
- Cologne
- Color Field Painting
- Combined Combustion Engines
- Combined Combustion System
- Comedian
- Commonwealth of Australia
- Community
- Compact Disc
- Compliance
- Computer Aided Design
- Computer Numerical Control
- Computerized Numerical Control
- Concurrency
- Concurrent computing
- Conditional access system
- Connection
- Consultant
- Container
- Containment
- Content Management System
- Content-Management-System
- cool
- cool
- cool
- cool
- Coolness
- Coopetition
- Cop
- Coping
- Corporate Wording
- Couch
- Couch potato
- Count
- Countess
- Country & Western
- Country Dance
- County
- Cover
- Cowboy
- Coyote
- Crabeater
- Cranberry
- Craving
- Crazy Otto
- Credit
- Creek
- creepy
- creepy
- Creutzfeldt Jakob Disease
- cring(e)y
- cringe
- Crowdsourcing
- Crowdsurfing
- Cruise-Missile
- Crystal
- Crystal Meth
- Cubby Yew
- Cursor
- Cursor
- customized
- Customizing
- Cut
- Cut
- Cutaway
- Cutter
- Cutter
- Cybercafé
- D-Day
- D4D
- D4R
- Darling
- Data Recovery
- Data-Deduplication
- Date
- Date
- Day Cravat
- DC
- Deadline
- Deadname
- Deal
- Deal!
- Deal?
- Debriefing
- Deep State
- Delisting
- Demurrage
- Derailing (betreiben)
- Design
- design for disassembly
- design for repair
- Determiner
- Developed Markets
- Die
- Digest
- Digital Rights Management
- Digital Versatile Disc
- Disc
- Discjockey
- Diskjockey
- Dispatcher
- Display
- Distribution Policy
- DJ
- Doc
- Doldrums
- Domain Controller
- Domaincontroller
- Doomsday
- Doorman
- Dope
- Dope
- Dow Jones Industrial Average
- Down Under
- Downcycling
- downloaden
- Downtown
- Drag Queen
- Dragon Lady
- Dragqueen
- Dress
- Dresscode
- Drifter
- Drink
- Drink
- Drive
- Dude
- Duke
- Dust
- Dutch Roll
- DVD-Player
- E-Bike
- E-Scooter
- Ecodesign
- Economy Class
- Edge Connector
- Egghead
- ein No-brainer sein (ein Nobrainer sein)
- Elder Statesman
- electrical discharge machining
- Electrolarynx
- Elongated Coin
- Emerging Markets
- Emissions Trading System
- Empire
- Enabler
- enby
- Engine Control Unit
- engine failure
- Engineering-Arbeit
- Enterprise Resource Planning
- Entertainer
- Entity
- Entrepreneurship
- Erythritol
- Escortgirl
- EU Ecolabel
- Eurasian Economic Community
- European Financial Stability Facility
- European Space Agency
- Event
- Everybody's Darling
- Evolutionary Suicide
- exchange-traded fund
- Expat
- Extension
- Extension
- eye tracking
- Eyecatcher
- Fab
- FabLab
- face to face
- face to face
- Facelifting
- Fake
- Fake News
- faken
- Falchion
- Fanbase
- Fannings
- Farmer
- fathom
- Fear of missing out
- Feature
- Fed
- Federal Reserve
- Federal Reserve System
- Feedback
- Feedreader
- Ferrocerium
- Fidget Spinner
- field mill
- fifty fifty
- fifty-fifty (machen)
- Fight
- File
- Fileserver
- Fineliner
- Fingerfood
- Fingerprint
- first class
- First Lady
- Flashback
- Flashback
- Flatpicking
- Flexibeam
- Flip-Chart
- Flipchart
- Floater
- Floating Rate Note
- Floppy
- Floppy Disc
- Floppy Disk
- Flyer
- Flyer
- folk psychology
- Follow-up
- Font
- Food and Drug Administration
- Foodie
- Foreign Exchange Market
- Forex
- Fork
- Forward Edge of Battle Area
- Forward Line of Own Troops
- Fracking
- Framerate
- Freak
- Freakshow
- Free Fight
- Freebirthing
- Freefight
- Freelancer
- frequently asked questions
- Friendly Fire
- Frisbee
- Fritz
- Frontman
- Frontpage
- Frunk
- Fuck!
- Fujairah
- full speed
- Fulltime-Job
- Fun
- Fun Fact
- Fund of Funds
- Fuzzy Logic
- Gadget
- Gag
- Gag
- Game
- Gang
- Gangway (Luftfahrt)
- Garbage Collection
- Gate
- Gated Community
- gay
- Geek
- Generic Name
- Gentleman
- Gentleman Host
- Gentleman's Agreement
- Gentlemen's Agreement
- GI
- Giant tigerfish
- Give-away
- Giveaway
- Gizmo
- Glitch
- Glitch
- Go-go-Girl
- Goalie
- going private
- going public
- good cop, bad cop (spielen)
- Gossip
- Gothic novel
- Grapefruit
- Graphic Novel
- Graphics Processing Unit
- Gravelbike
- Great White
- Green Berets
- Greenback
- Greencard
- Greenhorn
- Grizzly
- Ground Segment
- Ground Zero
- Ground Zero
- Growth Hormone
- Guideline
- Gypsy
- Haircut
- handeln
- handeln
- Hangover
- happy
- Hardcover
- Harddisk
- Hardliner
- Harmonic Drive
- Harvester
- Hash
- Hater (Internet)
- Head-up-Display
- Headhunter
- Headline
- Headquarter
- Headquarters
- Headset
- Heap
- Hearing
- Heavy Fuel Oil
- Heels
- Hex key
- hi!
- Hi, Folks!
- High five (jemandem die ... geben)
- High Heel
- High Potential
- High Pressure Nervous Syndrome
- High Society
- High Talk
- High-End-...
- Highlight
- hijacken (Fahrzeug)
- Hijacker
- Hillbilly
- Hilly-Billy
- HiPo
- Hitman
- Home Computer
- Home-Schooling
- Homebanking
- Homepage
- Homepage
- Homie
- Honey
- Hoodie
- horizontal ellipsis (Unicode)
- Hornet Islands
- Hot shoe
- Hotel-Style Steak
- Hotkey
- Hottie
- Hub
- Hubodometer
- Hue
- Human Growth Hormone
- human immunodeficiency virus
- Hundeschlitten fahren
- Hurdy-Gurdy
- Hype
- hypen
- IC
- im Vintage-Look
- Impostor-Syndrom
- Impression Management
- in (betont, Emphase)
- in my humble opinion
- in my opinion (imo)
- Incentive
- Inch
- INCO-Bedingungen
- Incoterms
- indoor
- Influencer
- Insider
- Instant Messenger
- Instrumental
- Integrated circuit
- Inter Tropic Convergence
- Inter-Tropical Convergence Zone
- Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
- Interlace
- Interleaving
- International Air Transportation Association
- International Bank Account Number
- International Business Machines Corporation
- International Code of Botanical Nomenclature
- International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants
- International Code of Nomenclature for Cultivated Plants
- International Code of Zoological Nomenclature
- International Commercial Terms
- International Nomenclature of Cosmetic Ingredients
- International Nonproprietary Name
- International Red Cross
- Internet Bot
- Internet of Things
- Internetbanking
- Internetslang (Internet-Slang)
- Interview
- Interview
- Japanese Bobtail
- Jetset
- Jigger
- Job-Interview
- Jobsharing (machen)
- John Dory
- Joint
- Joint Venture
- Joke
- Joke
- Joke
- Jumpsuit
- Junk Bond
- just in time
- Kansas City Steak
- Kayak
- Keep
- Keeper
- Kerning
- Keyboard
- Keyword
- Kid
- Killerwal
- Kingfish
- Kingfisher
- Kitten
- Knock-out
- Knockout
- Know-how
- Know-how
- Kraut
- Krauts
- L.A.
- Label
- Labeling
- Lady
- Ladykiller
- Language Code
- Laserpointer
- last but not least
- Law and Order
- LC-Display
- Lead Vocal
- Leadsheet
- Leak
- Lechwe
- Lemonfish
- Letter jacket
- Letter of Intent
- Letterman jacket
- Liancourt Rocks
- Lifehack
- light
- liken
- liken
- Limassol
- Line-up (z.B. Festival)
- Listing
- live
- Live-Act
- Live-Ticker
- Liveact
- Location
- Location
- Lockdown
- Locker Loop
- Loft
- Longchair
- Longevity
- Longlist
- Look
- Look
- Loser
- Lost Place
- Love Scam(ming)
- Lover
- Lovestory
- Low-Cost-Airline
- Low-Cost-Carrier
- lower Camel Case
- lowerCamelCase
- lucky punch
- Lunch
- Lychee
- Mailorder
- Mainframe
- Mainstream
- Mainstream
- Makerspace
- MakerSpace
- Malware
- Manor
- Manpower
- Marine (Residual) Fuel Oil
- Marketing
- Markup
- Mary Jane
- Master of Arts
- Match
- Match
- Mean Time Between Failures
- Mean Time To Failure
- Medley
- Meeting
- Messenger
- Meth
- Mexican Stand-off
- Mexican Standoff
- Mexico City
- Mic
- Microchip
- Microcontroller Unit
- Midcap-DAX
- Milkshake
- Millerboard
- Mindfulness
- Mindset
- Missing Link
- Mixed Martial Arts
- Mockumentary
- Moleskin
- Montana
- Moral Hazard
- Mother Blue
- Motherese
- Motor City
- Motown
- Mount Everest
- Mouse
- Mr. Right
- Mt. Everest
- Muddler
- Multi Level Marketing
- My home is my castle.
- Nailstudio
- Namedropping
- narrow body airplane
- National Aeronautics and Space Administration
- National Stock Number
- native Americans
- NATO Codification System
- NATO Stock Number
- NC
- Nearshoring
- Nerd (...nerd)
- Network Marketing
- Neuroenhancement
- never ending story
- New York Steak
- Newcomer
- News
- nice
- nice-to-have
- NMR-Spektroskopie
- No way!
- No-go-Area
- Nobody is perfect.
- Nonsense
- Noob
- nope
- Nordic Walking
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization
- nosedive
- Not on planet earth
- Nugget
- Num-Block
- Number Cruncher
- Numerical Control
- NumPad
- Ocean Paddling
- Odds Ratio
- Odometer
- Odometrie
- Off-Shore-Kayaking
- offline
- offroad
- Offshoring
- Old School
- old school
- Oldtimer
- on demand
- on the fly
- one size fits all
- Open Content
- Open Location Code
- Open Source
- Open Water Paddling
- Open-Air-...
- Opener
- Opener
- operating system
- Optical Character Recognition
- Organization For Economic Cooperation And Development
- Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries
- Orrery
- OS
- Othering
- out of the box
- out of the box denken
- Out-of-the-box-Lösung
- Outback (Australien)
- Outcast
- Outdoor...
- Outlaw
- Outsourcing
- overdressed
- Overhead
- Overhead
- Overtourism
- Pager
- Pageturner (Buch)
- Palmstick
- Pamphlet
- Panama weave
- Panavision
- Paper
- Paper
- Paper
- Paperback
- Paragliding
- Paramedic
- Partygirl
- Pascal Case
- PascalCase
- Patch
- Pax
- Pay-TV
- Payroll
- Paywall
- PC
- pc
- Pea jacket
- Peacoat
- Peak
- Peanuts
- Peanuts
- Pedal Electric Cycle
- Pennines
- Penny Loafer
- People of Color
- Peoplemover
- Pep
- Performance
- Performance
- Performance
- performen
- Person of Color
- Personal Computer
- Personalcomputer
- Pestizid
- Piece
- piercen
- Pimp
- Pipeline
- plain vanilla
- Playboy
- Playboy
- Player
- Playlist
- Playstation (PlayStation)
- Plot point
- Plug-in
- Plug-in hybrid Electric Vehicle
- Plug-in-Hybrid
- Plugin
- Poetry Slam
- Pogo Pin
- Point-and-click-Adventure
- Pointer
- Pokerface
- polar stratospheric clouds
- political correctness
- Polyamory
- Poser
- Post-Painterly Abstraction
- Postdoc
- posten
- Poster
- Posting
- Pot
- Power
- Power
- Powernap
- Powernapping
- Powertalker
- Prank
- prepaid
- Preprint
- Pressure-Group (Pressuregroup, Pressure Group)
- Preview
- Preview
- Preview
- Prime Time
- Primer
- Primer
- Primetime
- Private Branch Exchange
- Private Equity
- Private-Equity-Gesellschaft
- Proceedings
- Prodigal Son
- Product Key
- Product-Placement
- Produkt-Key
- Protoboard
- Provider
- Prüfpin
- Pub
- Public Health
- Publicity
- Pumpgun
- Push
- pushen
- QoS
- Quality Management
- Quality of Service
- Quality Time
- queer
- Quick Launch (Bar)
- R.A.F.
- R2R
- Rack
- Rack
- Ragweed
- Railgun
- Rainmaker
- Rainstick
- Ramjet
- Random Access Memory
- Rant
- Rare Earth Elements
- Rare Earths
- Rating
- Reacher
- Rebreather
- Recovery
- Recruiting
- Recruitment
- Red Dot
- Red Flag
- Redneck
- Referee
- Refugee
- Relaunch
- relaxed
- Release
- Remake
- Remanufacturing
- Repeater
- Repo
- Reporting
- Reprint
- Restructuring
- Retriever
- Return
- Reverend
- Revival
- Revival
- Rib-Eye-Steak
- Right to Repair
- Roadrunner
- roger!
- Rolfing
- Rollout
- Romance Scam
- Root Mean Square
- round about
- Royal Air Force
- RSS-Reader
- Run auf
- Runner
- Sabbatical
- Safe
- safe
- Sale
- Sales
- Sales
- sampeln
- Sample
- Samplerate
- Samplingrate
- Sci-Fi
- Science-Fiction
- Sciencefiction
- Scoop
- Scooterbike
- Scoring
- Scrapie
- Screening
- Scripted Reality
- Scrollbar
- Sea Canoeing
- Sea Kayaking
- Sea Paddling
- second-hand
- secondhand
- Secret Service
- Security
- see you!
- see you!
- self repair
- Self-Publishing (SP)
- Selfie (mit Smartphone)
- Semi-Solid Metal Casting
- Senior Cabin Crew Member
- sensen
- Sergeant Fish
- Server Message Block
- Service
- Service Point
- Service Point
- Session
- Setlist (Konzert)
- Setting
- Sex and Drugs and Rock'n'Roll
- sexy
- SF
- Shabby Chic (Einrichtungsstil)
- Shakehands
- Shareholder
- Sheriff
- Shit
- shit happens
- Shitstorm
- Shooter
- Shooting
- Shop (...shop)
- Shopping
- Shopping Boulevard
- Shoreline Kayaking
- Short Loin
- Short Message
- Short Message Service
- Short Story
- Shortcut
- Shortkey
- Shortlist
- Shot
- Shot
- Showdown
- Shutdown
- Sichuan Pepper
- Siegfried Line
- Silicon Carbide
- Silly Putty
- Singaporean English
- Singer-Songwriter
- Single
- Singleton
- Singlish
- Sit-in
- Sitemap
- Sixpack
- Sixpack
- Skin
- Skin(head)girl
- Skinhead
- skinny
- skippen
- Skyline
- Slapstick
- Slash
- Slat
- Slideshow
- Slipper
- Slotcar-Bahn
- Smallcap-DAX
- Smart Meter
- Smartphone
- Smartwatch
- Smoothie
- Snack
- Snack
- Snare
- Snare drum
- Sneaker
- Sniper
- so what?
- Soap
- Social Media
- Sodium Nitrate
- Softcover
- Solid-State-Disk
- Solid-State-Drive
- sorry
- Source
- Sourcecode
- South Georgia
- SP
- Spaniel
- Spareribs
- Spearmint
- Special Effects
- Special Forces
- Spin
- Spin-Off
- Spineboard
- spoilern
- spooky
- Spork
- Sport Utility Vehicle
- Spotcolor
- Spread
- Spring Loaded Connector
- Sputtern
- Spyware
- Square Mile
- Squaw
- Stable
- Stack
- Stackpointer
- Stagediving
- Stagehand
- standard body airplane
- Standing
- Star
- Stars and Stripes
- Start-up
- stat.mi.
- Statement
- Statement
- statute mile
- Steadyseller
- Steak
- Steak tartare
- Steakhouse
- Stencil
- Sticker
- Sticky Note
- Stockman
- Stop and Go
- Store
- Straddle Carrier
- straight
- Straight-Run
- Strain Wave Gear
- Strainer
- strange
- Street Art
- String
- Strip Loin
- Stuff
- Stunt-Double
- Stuntman
- Style
- Styling
- Stylus
- Subscriber Identity Module
- Subwoofer
- Sugardaddy
- Summit
- super-duper
- surprise, surprise!
- Suspense
- Sweatshirt
- swipen
- T-Shirt
- T-Shirt
- Tag (Informatik)
- Tagging
- Take-away
- Talking Board
- Tarragon
- Taser
- Task Bar
- Tasmania
- Team
- Team
- Team
- Teamplayer
- Teamworker
- Television
- Template
- Terminal
- Testpin
- TFT-Display
- That's the spirit!
- The City
- The City
- The winner takes all.
- Theme
- Think-Tank
- Thinktank
- Thrill
- Thumbnail
- Tights
- Time-out
- Timer
- Timing
- Tip
- Toast
- Top
- Top Loin Steak
- top secret (sein)
- Top Ten
- top-down
- topsecret (sein)
- Touch
- Touchpad
- Touchpen
- Tracing
- Tracklist
- Tracklist (Musik-CD)
- Traffic
- training on the job
- Tramp
- Tramway
- Transistor
- trashig
- Treasure State
- Trendscout
- trial and error
- Tribal
- Troubleshooting
- Truck
- Trust
- Trysail
- Tungsten
- Turntable
- TV
- TV
- Tweet
- twin-engine jet
- Twinjet
- Twister
- Typecasting (Film)
- Typhus fever
- Typo
- UI
- UK
- UN
- under cover
- Underscore
- Understatement
- United States Army 1st Special Operations Command
- United States Army Special Forces Command (Airborne)
- United States Permanent Resident Card
- Universal Time Coordinated
- up to date
- Upcycling
- Update
- Update
- updaten
- Upgrade
- upgraden
- upgraden
- Upper Camel Case
- Upper-cut
- UpperCamelCase
- Upperclass (Upper Class, upper class)
- Uppercut
- urban legend
- URL-Encoding
- User Experience
- User Interface
- V. I. P.
- Vampire Tap
- Van
- VC
- Veneer
- Venture Capital
- Vermouth
- vintage
- vintage
- Vintage-...
- Visualizer
- Voice Message
- voll in Action
- Wales
- walken
- Warbonnet
- Warlord
- waste prevention
- Watercooler
- Wearable
- Wearable Computer
- Wearables
- Web
- Weblog
- Website
- Weed
- Weed
- Weepie
- Westminster model
- Westminster system
- What the fuck
- Whataboutism
- Whiteboard-Marker
- Whiteboardmarker
- Whitelist
- wide-body airplane
- Windbreaker
- Windchill
- Window
- Witchboard
- Wizard
- woke (Adjektiv)
- Wokeness
- Wokeness
- Womanizer
- Wood Fibre Polymer Composites
- Wood Polymer Composites
- Wood-Plastic-Composites
- Wood/Natural Fiber Polymer Composites
- Wording
- Work-Life-Balance
- Workaround
- Workflow
- World Economic Forum
- World Health Organization
- World Trade Organization
- World Wide Fund For Nature
- World Wide Web
- World's Fair
- Worst Case
- Yaws
- yeah!
- yeah!
- yeah!
- Yellow Press
- Yes, we can.
- Youngster
- Youth Bulge
- Yumberry
- Zero-Bond
- Zerobond